Giveaway Rules


1. Eligibility: The Card Giveaway (the “Promotion”) is open only to legal residents of the 48 contiguous United States and the District of Columbia (excluding Alaska, Hawaii, Michigan) and Canada (excluding Quebec) (the "Territory") who have reached the legal age of majority in their state/province/territory of residence and are located in the Territory at the time of entry. BNDT LLC (“Sponsor”),  and their respective parent companies, subsidiaries and affiliated companies, retailers, sales representatives, dealers, distributors, licensees and the advertising, fulfillment, judging and promotion agencies involved in the development and administration of this Promotion and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents (collectively, “Promotion Parties”), and members of their immediate families (defined as including spouse, biological, adoptive and step-parents, grandparents, siblings, children and grandchildren, and each of their respective spouses, regardless of where they reside) or households (whether related or not) of any of the above are not eligible to participate. The Promotion is subject to all applicable federal, state/provincial/territorial, municipal and local laws and is void outside the Territory and where prohibited by law. By participating in this Promotion, entrants agree to abide by and be bound by these Official Rules and decisions of the independent Promotion Administrator, which shall be final in all matters relating to the Promotion. 2. Promotion Period: The Promotion begins at 12:00 a.m. Pacific Time ("PT") on July 3, 2024 and ends at 11:59 p.m. PT on Aug 31, 2024 (the "Promotion Period"). 3. How to Enter: 1. Purchase Entry: During the Promotion Period, visit (the “Website”) and purchase one or more products from the Website to receive one (1) entry in the Promotion for each $1 spent (not including tax or shipping) (each a “Purchase Entry”). Entrants must complete all required information. Purchase transactions involving account adjustment transactions/returns, declined credit or debit transactions are not eligible for Purchase Entries. 2. Entrants must complete all required information. Purchase transactions involving account adjustment transactions/returns, declined credit or debit transactions are not eligible for Purchase Entries. 3. Subscriber Entry: During the Promotion Period, visit the Website to sign-up as a subscriber to receive “Subscription Entries”. Entrants must complete all required information. Receive thirty (30) entries for each $1 spent for all subscribers’ purchases during the promotion period. 4. Mail-in Entry: To enter the Promotion by mail without making a purchase, during the Promotion Period, handprint (in the following order) your full name, complete street address, daytime telephone number, email address, and birth date on a standard 4″ x 6″ postcard (with no outer envelope) and mail it to:  BNDT 4774 Park Granada 8724, Calabasas, CA 91372 (a “Mail-in Entry”). You will receive seventy (1) entry into the Promotion for each Mail-in Entry received. Mail-in Entries must be received by July 20, 2024. All Mail-in Entries must be legibly handwritten (including addressing), mailed separately with no outer envelope, and have sufficient postage.

5. Bonus Purchase Entry: During the Promotion Period, one or more opportunities to receive “Bonus Purchase Entries” may be announced on the Website. Bonus Purchase Entries will be awarded for all purchases made on the Website or for only specific product purchases made on the Website during the specified entry dates (not including tax or shipping). The Bonus Purchase Entries, the entry dates (“Bonus Entry Periods”), the bonus amounts awarded, and either all products or the specific products to which the Bonus Purchase Entries apply will be announced on the Website. Entrants must complete all required information. Bonus Purchase Entries are earned in lieu of entries received for Purchase Entries. If during a Bonus Entry Period the Bonus Purchase Entries are worth more than the entries received for Bundle Purchase Entries and Subscriber Entries, then Bonus Purchase Entries are earned in lieu of the entries received for such Bundle Purchase Entries and Subscriber Entries. If during a Bonus Entry Period the Bonus Purchase Entries are worth less than the Bundle Purchase Entries or Subscriber Entries that would have been received during a Bonus Entry Period, then the entrant will receive the corresponding Bundle Purchase Entries or Subscriber Entries rather than the Bonus Purchase Entries offered. Purchase transactions involving account adjustment transactions/returns, declined credit or debit transactions are not eligible for Bonus Purchase Entries.

6. Bonus Mail-in Entry: To obtain bonus entries without making a purchase, handprint (in the following order) your full name, complete street address, daytime telephone number, e-mail address, and birth date on a standard 4” x 6” postcard (with no outer envelope) and mail it to: BNDT 4774 Park Granada 8724, Calabasas, CA 91372 (a “Bonus Mail-in Entry”). Bonus Mail-in Entry requests must be postmarked during a Bonus Entry Period and received by May 20, 2024. All Bonus Mail-in Entries must be legibly handwritten (including addressing), mailed separately with no outer envelope, and have sufficient postage.

7. Odds of Winning: Odds of winning a prize depend on the number of eligible entries received.

8. Entrant Verification: In the event of a dispute regarding the identity of the person submitting an entry, the entry will be declared made by the natural person in whose name the entry was made. The Promotion Administrator reserves the right to require proof of identity and/or eligibility (in a form acceptable to the Promotion Administrator – including, without limitation, government issued photo identification) for any reason the Promotion Administrator deems necessary, in its sole discretion, for the purposes of administering this Promotion in accordance with these Official Rules. Failure to provide such proof to the complete satisfaction of the Promotion Administrator within the timeline specified by the Promotion Administrator may result in disqualification by the Promotion Administrator, in its sole discretion.

9. Disqualification: Entries which are incomplete, incorrect, incomprehensible, not received, or do not otherwise comply with these Official Rules (as determined by the Promotion Administrator in its sole and absolute discretion) will be void and will not be entered into the Promotion's prize drawing. Entries made by facsimile, overnight courier, automated means, any entry service, or in any other manner not specifically allowed under these Official Rules will not be entered into the Promotion and may result in disqualification of the entries and the responsible entrant(s), as determined by the Promotion Administrator in its sole and absolute discretion. Promotion Administrator reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers with or attempts to tamper with the entry process or who acts in a disruptive or unfair manner or who otherwise fails to comply with these Official Rules.

10. Notification & Validation of Winners: Potential winners, at Promotion Administrator’s discretion, will each be contacted by telephone, email, regular mail or overnight mail, and may be required to complete, sign and return an affidavit or declaration of eligibility, a liability release, tax forms, and where lawful, a publicity release within a stated amount of time. The return of any notification as undeliverable or failure to respond to notices or return any required documents or information in a timely manner or a determination that a potential winner is ineligible or not in compliance with these Official Rules, as determined by the Promotion Administrator, in its sole and absolute discretion, may result in disqualification and forfeiture of any prize, and the selection of an alternate winner in a random drawing from among the remaining eligible entries. Canadian residents must correctly answer a time-limited, mathematical skill-testing question (without assistance of any kind, mechanical or otherwise) in order to be eligible to win a prize. The Promotion Administrator may, in its sole discretion, provide an alternate skill-testing question or vary the requirements to perform any skill-testing component of the Promotion to accommodate and include the participation of entrants with disabilities.

11. Limitations: To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Promotion Parties are not responsible for: (i) electronic or digital transmissions, entries or mail that are lost, late, stolen, incomplete, illegible, damaged, garbled, destroyed, misdirected, non-delivered, or not received by Sponsor or Promotion Administrator for any reason; (ii) mail that is received postage-due; (iii) any problems or technical malfunctions, errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, delays in operation or transmission, communication failures (including but not limited to failures or malfunctions of phone lines, mail delivery service, telephone systems or other communications systems), destruction of or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries, or for printing, distribution or production errors; (iv) failed or unavailable hardware, network, software or telephone transmissions; (v) damage to entrants' or any person's computer; (vi) causes beyond Promotion Parties’ reasonable control that jeopardize the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this Promotion; (vii) incorrect or inaccurate entry information whether caused by entrants or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Promotion; (viii) any typographical or other error in the printing or advertising related to the Promotion, in the administration or execution of the Promotion, or in the announcement/notification of prize winners; (ix) any human, or other error, which may occur in the promotion or administration of this Promotion; or (x) cheating or fraud by any participant.

12. Modification, Suspension and Termination: If for any reason this Promotion cannot be executed as planned, including but not limited to infection by virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, human error, legal mandate, social media mandate, pandemic, epidemic, or any other causes beyond the control of Sponsor or Promotion Administrator that corrupt or affect the security, administration, integrity, fairness or proper conduct of this Promotion, or if this Promotion is compromised or becomes corrupted in any way, electronically or otherwise, Promotion Administrator reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to void suspect entries/entrants and/or modify, suspend and/or terminate this Promotion, including the selection of winners in a manner the Promotion Administrator deems fair and reasonable, including the selection of winners in a random drawing from among applicable eligible, non-suspect entries received prior to such modification, suspension or termination. Thereafter, the Sponsor reserves the right to accept no further entries and award no further prizes.

13. Releases: By participating in this Promotion, entrants agree (and agree to confirm in writing): (a) to the maximum extent permitted by law, that all causes of action arising out of or connected with this Promotion, or any prize awarded, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; (b) to release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Promotion Parties. and their respective successors and assigns from and against any liability, loss, claim or cause of action, including, but not limited to, injury, death or damages arising out of participation in this Promotion or the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of any prize received in this Promotion or the use of any photo, video or entry; and (c) to waive all rights to claim punitive, indirect, incidental and consequential damages, attorneys’ fees, court costs, or any damages other than actual out-of-pocket costs incurred to enter, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO APPLICABLE PORTIONS OF THE ABOVE MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.

14. Publicity: Except where prohibited, participation in the Promotion constitutes each entrant’s permission for the Sponsor and its agencies to use entrants' names, photographs, videos, voices and/or any other likenesses for purposes of advertising and publicity in all media now known or hereinafter invented without territorial or time limitations and without compensation or notice.

15. Privacy: The personal information collected through this Promotion is subject to Sponsor’s Privacy Policy located at ( By entering this Promotion, each entrant agrees that the Sponsor, its agents and/or representatives (including the Promotion Administrator) may store, share and use the personal information he/she submitted with his/her entry for the purpose of administering the Promotion and agrees to the collection, use and disclosure of his/her personal information as described in these Official Rules, in the above Privacy Policy and as permitted by law.

16. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction and Notice: All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation, and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of the entrant and Sponsor in connection with the Promotion, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of California, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules (whether of the State of California or any other jurisdiction), which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of California. By entering, entrants irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California for any action, suit or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Promotion. These Official Rules are protected by U.S. and International copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of these Official Rules without written permission from the Promotion Administrator is prohibited. Copr. 2024 Promotion Administrator.

17. Severability & Conflicts: The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Official Rules shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. In the event that any provision is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or illegal, these Official Rules shall otherwise remain in effect and shall be construed in accordance with their terms as if the invalid or illegal provision were not contained herein. In the event there is a discrepancy or inconsistency between disclosures or other statements contained in any Promotion-related materials or made by any representative of Sponsor or Promotion Administrator, and the terms and conditions of these Official Rules, these Official Rules shall prevail, govern and control.

18. Winners’ Notification: To view the winners’ list for this Promotion, winners will be notified via by email after random drawing Manufacturers of the prizes offered in this Promotion do not sponsor or endorse this Promotion and are not affiliated with the Sponsor or Promotion Administrator in any way.




  1. Eligibility: The Promotion is open only to legal residents of the 48 contiguous United States and the District of Columbia (excluding Alaska, Hawaii, Michigan) and Canada (excluding Quebec) ("Territory") who have reached the legal age of majority in their state/province/territory of residence and are located in the Territory at the time of entry. BNDT LLC (“Sponsor”), and their respective parent companies, subsidiaries and affiliated companies, retailers, sales representatives, dealers, distributors, licensees and the advertising, fulfillment, judging and promotion agencies involved in the development and administration of this Promotion and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents (collectively, “Promotion Parties”), and members of their immediate families (defined as including spouse, biological, adoptive and step-parents, grandparents, siblings, children and grandchildren, and each of their respective spouses, regardless of where they reside) or households (whether related or not) of any of the above are not eligible to participate. The Promotion is subject to all applicable federal, state/provincial/territorial, municipal and local laws and is void outside the Territory and where prohibited by law. By participating in this Promotion, entrants agree to abide by and be bound by these Official Rules and decisions of the independent Promotion Administrator, which shall be final in all matters relating to the Promotion.
  2. Promotion Period: The Promotion begins at 12:00 a.m. Pacific Time ("PT") on April 26, 2024 and ends at 11:59 p.m. PT on May 12, 2024 (the "Promotion Period").
  3. How to Enter:
    1. Purchase Entry: During the Promotion Period, visit (the “Website”) and purchase one or more products from the Website to receive one (1) entry in the Promotion for each $1 spent (not including tax or shipping) (each a “Purchase Entry”). Entrants must complete all required information. Purchase transactions involving account adjustment transactions/returns, declined credit or debit transactions are not eligible for Purchase Entries.
    2. Bundle Purchase Entry: During the Promotion Period, purchase one or more products labelled with “Bundle” and “Exclusive” to receive thirty (30) entries into the promotion for each $1 spent (not including tax or shipping) (each a “Bundle Purchase Entry”). Entrants must complete all required information.
    3. Subscriber Entry: During the Promotion Period, visit the Website to sign-up as a subscriber to receive “Subscription Entries”. Entrants must complete all required information. Receive thirty (30) entries for each $1 spent for all subscribers’ purchases during the promotion period.
    4. Mail-in Entry: To enter the Promotion by mail without making a purchase, during the Promotion Period, handprint your full name, complete street address, daytime telephone number, email address, and birth date on a standard 4″ x 6″ postcard (with no outer envelope) and mail it to: BNDT, 4774 Park Granada 8724, Calabasas, CA 91372 (a “Mail-in Entry”). You will receive seventy (70) entries into the Promotion for each Mail-in Entry received. Mail-in Entries must be received by May 20, 2024. All Mail-in Entries must be legibly handwritten (including addressing), mailed separately with no outer envelope, and have sufficient postage.
  1. Random Drawing: On or about June 3, 2024, the Promotion Administrator will conduct a random drawing from among all eligible entries received during the entire Promotion Period.
  2. Prizes, Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”): One (1) Grand Prize: One (1) 18kt Gold Credit Card (ARV $2,000).

Prize must be accepted as awarded. All characteristics and features of the prize except as otherwise explicitly stated above are at the Sponsor’s sole and absolute discretion. No substitution, cash redemption, sale or transfer of prize is permitted except at Sponsor’s sole discretion or as provided herein. If a prize, or any portion thereof, cannot be awarded for any reason, Sponsor reserves the right to substitute such prize (or portion thereof) with an equivalent prize of equal or greater value. All federal, state, provincial/territorial and local taxes, and all other costs associated with acceptance or use of the prize, are the sole responsibility of the winner. You are not a winner until your prize claim is validated and you receive official written notification from the Sponsor or the Promotion Administrator. Arrangements for delivery of prize will be made after winner validation. LIMIT ONE (1) PRIZE PER PERSON/EMAIL ADDRESS/HOUSEHOLD. Prize will be awarded only to an address within the Territory provided they are claimed properly in accordance with these Official Rules.

  1. Odds of Winning: Odds of winning a prize depend on the number of eligible entries received.
  1. Entrant Verification: In the event of a dispute regarding the identity of the person submitting an entry, the entry will be declared made by the natural person in whose name the entry was made. The Promotion Administrator reserves the right to require proof of identity and/or eligibility (in a form acceptable to the Promotion Administrator – including, without limitation, government-issued photo identification) for any reason the Promotion Administrator deems necessary, in its sole discretion, for the purposes of administering this Promotion in accordance with these Official Rules. Failure to provide such proof to the complete satisfaction of the Promotion Administrator within the timeline specified by the Promotion Administrator may result in disqualification by the Promotion Administrator, in its sole discretion.
  2. Disqualification: Entries which are incomplete, incorrect, incomprehensible, not received, or do not otherwise comply with these Official Rules (as determined by the Promotion Administrator in its sole and absolute discretion) will be void and will not be entered into the Promotion's prize drawing. Entries made by facsimile, overnight courier, automated means, any entry service, or in any other manner not specifically allowed under these Official Rules will not be entered into the Promotion and may result in disqualification of the entries and the responsible entrant(s), as determined by the Promotion Administrator in its sole and absolute discretion.
  3. Notification & Validation of Winners: Potential winners, at Promotion Administrator’s discretion, will each be contacted by telephone, email, regular mail, or overnight mail, and may be required to complete, sign and return an affidavit or declaration of eligibility, a liability release, tax forms, and where lawful, a publicity release within a stated amount of time. The return of any notification as undeliverable or failure to respond to notices or return any required documents or information in a timely manner or a determination that a potential winner is ineligible or not in compliance with these Official Rules, as determined by the Promotion Administrator, in its sole and absolute discretion, may result in disqualification and forfeiture of any prize, and the selection of an alternate winner in a random drawing from among the remaining eligible entries. Canadian residents must correctly answer a time-limited, mathematical skill-testing question (without assistance of any kind, mechanical or otherwise) in order to be eligible to win a prize. The Promotion Administrator may, in its sole discretion, provide an alternate skill-testing question or vary the requirements to perform any skill-testing component of the Promotion to accommodate and include the participation of entrants with disabilities.
  4. Limitations: To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Promotion Parties are not responsible for: (i) electronic or digital transmissions, entries or mail that are lost, late, stolen, incomplete, illegible, damaged, garbled, destroyed, misdirected, non-delivered, or not received by Sponsor or Promotion Administrator for any reason; (ii) mail that is received postage-due; (iii) any problems or technical malfunctions, errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, delays in operation or transmission, communication failures (including but not limited to failures or malfunctions of phone lines, mail delivery service, telephone systems or other communications systems), destruction of or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries, or for printing, distribution or production errors; (iv) failed or unavailable hardware, network, software or telephone transmissions; (v) damage to entrants' or any person's computer; (vi) causes beyond Promotion Parties’ reasonable control that jeopardize the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this Promotion; (vii) incorrect or inaccurate entry information whether caused by entrants or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Promotion; (viii) any typographical or other error in the printing or advertising related to the Promotion, in the administration or execution of the Promotion, or in the announcement/notification of prize winners; (ix) any human, or other error, which may occur in the promotion or administration of this Promotion; or (x) cheating or fraud by any participant.
  5. Modification, Suspension and Termination: If for any reason this Promotion cannot be executed as planned, including but not limited to infection by virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, human error, legal mandate, social media mandate, pandemic, epidemic, or any other causes beyond the control of Sponsor or Promotion Administrator that corrupt or affect the security, administration, integrity, fairness or proper conduct of this Promotion, or if this Promotion is compromised or becomes corrupted in any way, electronically or otherwise, Promotion Administrator reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to void suspect entries/entrants and/or modify, suspend and/or terminate this Promotion, including the selection of winners in a manner the Promotion Administrator deems fair and reasonable, including the selection of winners in a random drawing from among applicable eligible, non-suspect entries received prior to such modification, suspension or termination. Thereafter, the Sponsor reserves the right to accept no further entries and award no further prizes.
  6. Releases: By participating in this Promotion, entrants agree (and agree to confirm in writing): (a) to the maximum extent permitted by law, that all causes of action arising out of or connected with this Promotion, or any prize awarded, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; (b) to release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Promotion Parties and their respective successors and assigns from and against any liability, loss, claim or cause of action, including, but not limited to, injury, death or damages arising out of participation in this Promotion or the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of any prize received in this Promotion or the use of any photo, video or entry; and (c) to waive all rights to claim punitive, indirect, incidental and consequential damages, attorneys’ fees, court costs, or any damages other than actual out-of-pocket costs incurred to enter, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO APPLICABLE PORTIONS OF THE ABOVE MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.
  7. Publicity: Except where prohibited, participation in the Promotion constitutes each entrant’s permission for the Sponsor and its agencies to use entrants' names, photographs, videos, voices and/or any other likenesses for purposes of advertising and publicity in all media now known or hereinafter invented without territorial or time limitations and without compensation or notice.
  8. Privacy: The personal information collected through this Promotion is subject to Sponsor’s Privacy Policy located at By entering this Promotion, each entrant agrees that the Sponsor, its agents and/or representatives (including the Promotion Administrator) may store, share and use the personal information he/she submitted with his/her entry for the purpose of administering the Promotion and agrees to the collection, use and disclosure of his/her personal information as described in these Official Rules, in the above Privacy Policy and as permitted by law.
  9. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction and Notice: All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation, and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of the entrant and Sponsor in connection with the Promotion, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of California, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules (whether of the State of California or any other jurisdiction), which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of California. By entering, entrants irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California for any action, suit or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Promotion.
  10. Severability & Conflicts: The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Official Rules shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. In the event that any provision is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or illegal, these Official Rules shall otherwise remain in effect and shall be construed in accordance with their terms as if the invalid or illegal provision were not contained herein. In the event there is a discrepancy or inconsistency between disclosures or other statements contained in any Promotion-related materials or made by any representative of Sponsor or Promotion Administrator, and the terms and conditions of these Official Rules, these Official Rules shall prevail, govern and control.
  11. Winners’ List: Winners will be notified via email.
  12. Third Party Rights: All trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. Manufacturers of the prizes offered in this Promotion do not sponsor or endorse this Promotion and are not affiliated with the Sponsor or Promotion Administrator in any way.